Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sweet 16

Probably the night is late
We are slow and low
Over the past heavy blue clouds
And the now beaming moonlight
We have yet, to hide our emotions away

Perhaps it is too much
Or little too less
But the opening of yours
From your heart to mine
Touches just too deep

Often I gaze out the window
Trying to find the brightest star
Not knowingly, it has been there
All the while, by my side

Sweet 16,
I will never erase you
Nor I will keep you in memory
For that our love existed
And it should be vanished by now

Sweet 16,
It is impossible
To find someone like you, again
Yes, you took the right path
For I'm such a bad lover
Worthless for your tears
Yet antidotte for your bleeding heart

Sweet 16,
Before, Now and After
I, love you and will always do
Just don't
Love me anymore

Written 26/6/2012

Paramount 10am

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