Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One Less Lonely Man

Streets are empty, sellers are packing up
Skies are blank, stars are on vacation
My trench coat,
Offers the only companionship in the silent detour
I hop to find the distant noises I caught
A night parade of balloons and clowns
Unwillingly I crawl myself to it
Trying to seek for redemption

Then I met you, standing amid the crowd
You seem to be a little bit blurry
I offer you my hot beverage

And all, it seems like yesterday

It's impossible
I'm in love again
I thought I'm going to die a lonely man
How was I to know
You never told me

Wiping my eyes
Pinching my cheek
I can't believe
I'm putting this ring into your finger
I thought we were just only friends
How was I to know
You never told me

I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
And a little less foolish
I'm sorry I am bit tardy
For that I'm by myself all along
Today, and never, I will not
If with you

Written 0020 24/4/2013
Co-written with Vittaya Boon

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